His Presence Is Real - April 14, 2024

The Mass: Liturgy of the Eucharist - Part XIII

Now that we have completed our look at the main Eucharistic Prayers, let’s look at what immediately follows these prayers. As we mentioned during the details of each prayer, and during our overview of the entire Liturgy of the Eucharist many weeks ago, the Eucharistic Prayers always end with the Final Doxology. Is this just simply a nice way to conclude the prayers, or is there some greater meaning in the context of the Eucharist?

The word doxology literally means “an accounting of glory.” The most common one we all know is the “Glory Be.” The “Gloria” is also a doxology. This eucharistic doxology begins with the deacon elevating the chalice, filled with the Precious Blood of Jesus, and the priest elevating a consecrated host, the Body of Christ. As you’ll recall, the Eucharistic Prayer is always directed to God the Father.

The priest (and any concelebrating priests and/or bishops, but never the deacon or the assembly) begins “Through him, with him and in him …” The “him” is Jesus, who is the Sacrifice of the Mass as well as the One being shown to us, and our risen Savior. We profess “glory and honor” to the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, and this prayer becomes a very powerful Trinitarian prayer. This sacrifice that has once again taken place as it did on Calvary now incorporates us as benefactors as well, all to the glory of God.

And how do we respond? With a Great Amen. We truly believe! We believe it with every ounce of our faith, and we believe it joyfully. Christ gives himself totally to us. Not only do we receive him in our hearts, but, in the next moments of the Mass, will intimately receive him in the Real Presence as we partake of the Eucharist.

“If we paused for a moment to consider attentively what takes place in this Sacrament, I am sure that the thought of Christ’s love for us would transform the coldness of our hearts into a fire of love and gratitude.” – St. Angela of Foligno

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Contact me at eucharist@stmli.org.

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