Ministry Leader/Clergy Coordinator: Deacon Matt Surico
About Serving At St. Thomas More
Thank you for your interest in altar serving. Altar Servers are so important to liturgy and we value them highly! If you are already a server, we have some information available below.
If you want to become a server, here are some things to keep in mind:
- Servers must have made their First Holy Communion. We recommend that you be at least in 4th grade. But exceptions can be made. Speak with the clergy coordinator or our pastor about it.
- Servers should attend Mass on a regular basis, even when not serving.
- Committment to the ministry is important. Make sure that you have the time to devote at least one Mass (either Saturday night or Sunday morning) per month to serving (more is fantastic).
- You will get an initial training walk-through by the clergy coordinator.
- You will then be able to "shadow" more experienced servers at Mass to start to get the hang of serving at an actual Mass.
- After shadowing for a few Masses, if you feel ready, you will be assigned to the regular server rotation.
- Besides serving at Mass, servers should always remember that they are Catholics - God wants you to come into a relationship with him. So prayer outside of Mass and following Jesus in your life will be important, like it is for all Catholics.
Those who wish to join our altar servers are asked to call the Rectory (631-234-5551) and you will be put in touch with the Ministry Leader.
We use Ministry Scheduler Pro, aka "MSP", for our scheduling.
We have an Altar Server Handbook that tells you virtually everything you need to know on how to serve at Mass in our parish.
We have a one-page sheet of terms that you should become familiar with to make it easier to communicate with priests, deacons and other servers at Mass.