Evangelii Gaudium - Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortation "The Joy Of The Gospel"
Lent 2025
Monday thru Friday each week (starting Mar. 10)
8:40 AM - Community Morning Prayer
9:00 AM - Weekday Mass
Ash Wednesday: Mar. 5
Ashes will be distributed at:
9 AM Mass
12 PM Prayer Service
4:30 PM Prayer Service
7 PM Mass
Friday Mar. 7
7 PM - Stations of the Cross for special intentions: for the sick and disabled, and those who help ease their burden.
Friday Mar. 14
7 PM - Stations of the Cross for special intentions: for the addicted, and those struggling with temptation.
Friday Mar. 21
7 PM - Stations of the Cross for special intentions: for our children, and all who are responsible for guiding them.
Friday Mar. 28
7 PM - Stations of the Cross for special intentions: for those who are impacted by natural disasters.
Friday Apr. 4
7 PM - Stations of the Cross for special intentions: for peace in our community, country and world.
Sunday Apr. 6
11:30 AM - Lenten Mass of Healing, with Anointing of the Sick to follow directly after Mass
Apr. 7, 8, 9 at 7 PM
Parish Lenten Mission: Presented by Msgr. Jerry Ringenback "Homecoming"
Friday Apr. 11
6 PM - Soup Supper followed by Stations of the Cross at 7 PM, with our Knights of Columbus Msgr. Midura Council #6062, for special intentions: for all who hunger, in body, mind, heart and soul.
Weekly Mass Schedule
Weekend Masses:
Saturday: 5:00 pm
Sunday: 8:00 am, 9:30 am Family Mass, 11:30 am Adult Choir Mass
Weekday Mass:
9:00 am Monday through Friday (No regular Mass on Saturday mornings)