Ministries are organized groups of parishioners, some big, some small, that carry out a specific role in helping out the parish and the community.
Some of our ministries have their own pages. You can click on any available link below to go to that ministry's page for further information.
- Altar Servers
- Ushers
- Greeters
- Hospitality
- Youth Ministry: Instagram | External Website
- Children's Liturgy Crew
- Lectors
- Religious Education
- Eucharistic Ministers
- Consolation Ministers
- Small Church Communities
- Altar Linens
- Altar Plant Caring Ministry
- Baptismal Bib Guild
- Parish Green Initiative
- Banner and Narthex Niche Committee
- Landscaping/Planting
- Trades (Electrical/Plumbing/Painting/Handy Person)
- Pre-Cana